
Klustron(原KunlunBase) 1.0 release notes

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Klustron(原KunlunBase) 1.0 release notes

1 新增的主要功能

1.1 MySQL 连接协议和兼容性

包括支持MySQL的 双引号/反引号规则,支持MySQL的私有数据类型,字符集、错误诊断(show errors/warnings),MySQL字符集和collation支持,MySQL 的prepared statement语法和功能,MySQL autocommit事务,MySQL 私有的运算符。 详见Klustron MySQL 连接协议简介Klustron 不支持的 MySQL 语法和功能汇总

#763 Support mysql style symbol/string quoting
#764 support mysql private type names
#765 support MySQL diagnostic mechanisms
#766 Support MySQL character sets
#767 Support MySQL prepared statement parameter type conversions
#770 support MySQL prepared statements
#642 mysql style autocommit behavior
#591 Implement convinient mysql commands and queries
#852 Support MySQL private operators
#893 Enhance mysql charset and collation support
#991 show variables where clause

1.2 集群管理功能扩展

bootstrap时自动安装prometheus 到各个计算机服务器 由cluster_mgr 和node_mgr 负责管理prom在各个服务器上面的监控采集agent的生命周期

#942 boostrap支持cluster_mgr/node_mgr prometheus端口配置

1.3 读写分离


1.4 其他

#882 Generate field value for a NULL field of an autoinc/sequence column
#1024 Support SSH transfering type of backup/restore

2 内部功能优化

#424 Create all existing databases onto a newly added storage shard
#636 Wait for metadata to be updated if its obsolete
#1044 Install shard rbr set replica as global read only
#1051 Disable fullsync during flashback
#1055 扩容 reroute 阶段,更改路由使用 alter table if exists 方式

3 性能优化

#641 skip XA wrappers on autocommit stmts
#615 Parallel cluster installation
#1031 Speed up the catching up phase during the table movement

4 重要的bug修复

#533 cluster manager对分布式事务清理前,需要先写commit日志
#441 skip unavailable computing node when adding a new storage shard
#833 MySQL protocol regular maintenance
#962 在rbr模式中Fullsync超时
#983 implicit transaction start and commit not done when executing a prepared stmt in PostgreSQL connections
#1029 invalid schema name silently ignored for USE stmt
#1074 set @session.autocommit = OFF 失败
#251 Rows inserted in CTE is counted as 'affected rows'